Here is the Peru
Inquiry group presenting their findings. Also the presentation that they used
during their oral presentation and the rubic marking sheet for their
I am a Year 8 student at St Pius X in Auckland, NZ. I am in the Te Wairua Pakiki Learning Space and my teachers MrsTui, Ms Nees-Kairua and Mr Gaffney.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
George Shrinks - Book Review
Title:George Shrinks
Author: William Joyce
Illustrator:William Joyce
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Characters:George,Mum,Dad,little baby,
Plot:George dreamed that he was small and it was true then Georges Dad and Mum left George a letter.
Problem: That said to George you have to do your bed and and everything too and have a good breakfast too.
Solution: When george went for an fresh air he came back inside then the cat sacred George and then the parents came in to his room.
Your opinion of the story:it was a good book and it was fun reading it and it is interesting too.
Illustration of a character doing something from the story
Monday, December 2, 2013
Cultural day
Last Friday morning the whole senior school went to mass for Diversity. During term 3 and 4 the seniors did a presentation for different cultures. We started off in room seven we watch them present their group first, it was United Kingdom, then Germany and after that was Greece, then Italy and the last group was Spain.
After our morning tea room 7 and 6 came in to our class for our Google presentations. The first group up was Peru and I was in that group. It was scary and I was nervous when we started. Rachel started first then Patrick then after that it was Joshua then me. After us was Argentina and Brazil then the last group was Colombia. After all of our class had finished it was room 6 to do their presentations. In room 6 was India, Thailand, China and Japan.
After lunch time we all went to the hall for the cultural dances. The first group up was a group from room 7 was United Kingdom then Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain.
I was nervous when we did our dance and I was a bit brave too.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Term 4 typing test
In term 4 I got 58 and 21 wrong and that is my highest in this term and I am very happy for what I got.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Touch training
I am looking forward to Touch because I love playing Touch for kiwisport, it is fun.
I am expecting to learn more good moves in Touch and having fun and enjoying it too.
We are doing it so we know how to play Touch when Touch NZ goes away to another school in the cluster.
I will see some Touch guys at the field waiting for us to play.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Manaiakalani film feastival 2013
On 13th of November the whole Cluster of Manaiakalani went to Sylvia Park to the Hoyts to watch the movies that we made. When we got there it was only our school and G.I school that were watching in our session. When we got inside to sit down it we saw Patrick and Alecia go up to present our movie that we did in room3.
When the movie started I got excited. After our movie there were some movies from other schools then it was our school again. Simione & Leki went up and presented Room 6’s movie on the stage at the hoyts. Everybody clap and cheered and shouted.
The next movie was Pt England, they did a movie about the Haka and how it all began. Some children from other schools came and presented their movies to the from Glen Innes school and St Patrick’s school.
After watching all the movies the lights went back on and then we had to walk out of the hoyts where we watched movies. We walked straight ahead and we had to go on the bus with room 7, room 3 and room 4. We were squashed in the bus and when we got back we went up to school and we had little lunch then we had to go to class to do reading.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Prompt practise 4
Once upon a time there was an animal named Stoney and it/he was in trouble because other people were going to hunt him. Stoney went up the tree and he found a friend sitting there his name was Tony. He was crying because the people were hunting down all the animals in the forest and it was only Tony and Stony their/there. They stayed up the tree until the people went away. When they went down Tony and Stoney ran away from the people. Tony and Stony found a spot from the hunting. The hunters heard one of animals and it was Tony playing. Tony ran back to Stoney and they frighted/fought all the people who wanted to kill them. When there/they went all the people ran away from the forest and that was the end.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Prompt Practice 2
Once upon a time there was a man who went to the beach for a swim and he loved going to the beach and his name was.
John when he went people did not like going to the beach because it didn't look clean because other. Strangers didn’t take their rubbish so they leaved it in the. Sea water and one day John took all the rubbish in the afternoon and then people went to the.
Beach and everybody was happy when the beach water was clean. People came with their children to for a big long swim in the beach after that a whole crowed of people was so excited to and that was the end.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The Rosary
Friday, October 18, 2013
Squash recount
On Monday after morning tea we lined up to go to the hall for our new sport called Squash but they were just here for 3 days just to teach us how to play Squash and we saw two guys and their name was Phil and Michael. And they showed how to play and they told us the rules, one rule was to not let the ball bounce twice on the floor and the other rule was to not let the ball go above the top line. After telling us about the rules we all got into two groups and we started off going to Phil. We used the rackets and the balls and we had to bounce the ball on the racket and we had tricks to do.
The other team went with Michael and they played Squash with the racket and one yellow ball. They played againt the plastic wall, and they got to versus Michael at Squash .
The best 2 players in the world are Nicol David and Ramy Ashour. Squash was first played at Harrow school in England in 1830.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Kids for kids
Last Friday we went on a bus to the Life Convention Centre for the kids for kids and we had 15 other schools that came too. We saw Mrs Carter with another school. We had to sing 20 songs and we had to sit down with other schools. We sat down at the bottom with another school, it was a lot of kids.
On top of the stage all the little kids from other school had to sit on top. And we had two adults that sang with us and it was Jackie and Nathan they were good singers. When we sang some of the songs we had a break and every schools got to go and have something to eat before they come back to the stage and finish off the rest of the song.
After we finished all the songs we got ready to come back to school on the bus, it was sunny and hot outside. It was a long way back and when we got back to school we got ready to have lunch. We got something from Miss G it was an ice block and it was cold. Straight after that we all got to go and play at the tennis courts then we got ready to go home because it was nearly home time.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Matthew 25 :36
Physical well being Having a healthy body.
Social well being Having a family and friends \\support.
Mental and emotional well being Being able to tell others
what you think and feel.
Spiritual well being Being able to believe in God.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Filming Reflection
This last week we created a film for the Manaiakalani Film Festival and our movie is about success. We to brainstorm our movie before we started filming and we had to do it in a storyboard. We had some actors, camera operator and a Director. We edited our movie in the classroom and and the person who edited our movie was Miss G and the Director. I was a student with Viane, Patrick and Joanna and we had Analise to do the Directing to tell us when to go to the mat and where to stand and to sit. Everybody had a part to do.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Rugby League Reflection
Last week in Rugby league we did passing and running and we did fitness. We did some of it this week too. We scored tries and some of us did star jumps and skipping and running around cones, we also did bear crawls and crab walk. Next we did high knees then we did stepping and we played Simon Says. Next we played relays then Cuma told us to come in and we played Octopus. We had to get into a line and the person in the middle was Patrick and Albert. It was a fun game. I can’t wait for next week.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Maths Reflection
Today in maths I was learning my basic facts on Xtra maths and I am pretty good it. I am a little bit good at fractions and I like maths because it is my favourite subject. Maths is a bit easy for me and I like practicing math because it helps me with my problem solving. I am stage 4 in fractions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
St Pius X Feast Day
This week in Religious Education we are learning about St Pius X because it was his feast day today. When he became pope he started Holy communion for children. Pope Pius X did not want rich things because he was poor and he wanted to die poor. He helped the poor people and he gave his things out to the poor people.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Cross Crountry
On a hot, sunny Tuesday we had Cross Country and we had to get changed. It was in the afternoon and we had to get into our ages and I went to sit with the 11’s year old. The first race was the 12’s year old and then it came to the 11’s. We got up to race and Miss G said “on your mark, get set, go” then I ran down the hill. I saw St Mary’s College girls with flags and I jogged down and I got ready to sprint the second lap. It was so hot and I got tired. I walked up to school and I got the stitch and I went to have a drink at the end of the race.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
The Assumption
We celebrate the Assumption because Mary’s body went up to heaven but not like us because when we die our soul only goes and our body stays. Some people say that Mary died and her whole body went up to heaven. Pope Pius decided that it is true that Mary’s body went to heaven and people believed.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Amelia's Baby Brother
Friday, August 2, 2013
The Rainbow Bird
Once upon a time there was birds living in a forest and they were jealous of the flowers and the butterflies because they had no colours. When the Rainbow comes up thats when the birds wished they could be colourful. Then the Rainbow started to go away it wasn’t colourful, it was dark. Then a phoenix came and said to the birds that Roaches came to. Eating the rainbow and the phoenix said to the bird that he needs help to kill the roaches after that. The birds came to help the phoenix kill the roaches. They won and were so pleased that they flew through the rainbow and it changed the colours of their feathers.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
A Letter to Granny
This story is about a girl who had a friend that was a dragon. His name was crackles he ate pirates. On Wednesday and on Thursday he ate Burglary and on Friday he ate pancakes.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Thursday, July 4, 2013
10 Commandments
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The Longest Story
The Longest Story - Junior Journal 20
1. Put in the punctuation into the sentences from the story.
a) “Stop!” yelled the people. “No more! No more!”. ✔
b) The young man was very happy, so was Abena. ✔
c) Her father said, “Many young men want to marry her”.✔
2. What does these types of punctuation mean
Speech marks - Speech marks mean someone is talking in a story. ✔
Full stop - placed at the end of sentences ✔
Capital letter - Capital letter means like a start of a sentence and a name. ✔
3. Answer these comprehension questions to show your understanding of the text.
a) Where is the story set? In Africa ✔
b) Why did they have a contest? To see who wants to marry the daughter✔
c) What was the story about the young man was trying tell? The man was telling them about a bird who went to get worms for their chicks. ✔
d) How did the people react to the young man’s story? The people react well and they listened to the young man's story. x(The people reacted by telling the man to stop and letting him marry the girl because his story was so long).
Monday, July 1, 2013
Miss G went
Last week on Tuesday we had our teacher Miss G go to Melbourne with Mrs Tui to. They went with 21 other teachers from other schools around our area. They went to Australia because they went to learn how to make our school into a modern learning environment.
While Miss G went we had Mrs Denny for our teacher, it was fun because we got to go swimming. My favourite part when got to do lots of P.E.
While Miss G went we had Mrs Denny for our teacher, it was fun because we got to go swimming. My favourite part when got to do lots of P.E.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Cookie Construction
On Tuesday we did a cookie construction because we had to protect the cookie from the cookie monster because he mite eat It. And we all had to get a partner for the cookie construction and we had to plan before we went to do the cookie construction. It was fun cause me and my partner did a cube for the cookie construction
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Skip Counting
L.I. - Solve equal group problems by skip counting.
Use your drawing tool on your netbook show how you would solve these equations using skip counting.
7 x 5 = 35
Jumping in 5’s 7 times = 35
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4 x 2 = 8
Jumping in 2’s
4 times = 8✔
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3 x 5 =15
Jumping in 5’s 3 times = 15✔
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6 x 2 = 12
Jumping in 2’s 6 times = 12✔
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4 x 10 = 40
Jumping in 10’s 4 times = 40✔
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Teddy bear Description
My bears name is called Fuzzy the bear and he is fat like an Elephant. Fuzzy the bear is soft and handsome he has big feet like a dog .
Fuzzy is fluffy and he is chubby like a pig. Fuzzy has black round eyes and he has a round brown nose and he has fat round ears and black paws.
Fuzzy is fluffy and he is chubby like a pig. Fuzzy has black round eyes and he has a round brown nose and he has fat round ears and black paws.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Swiming pool Description
The pool is 15 metres long and 1 metre deep. Our instructors names were Jilian and Kevin. From the outside of the pool it looks like a big white tent with a strong gate at the end. The pool sounds like the sea and the it feels like a strong tank full of water. It smells like chlorine.
The pool is found inside the tennis courts and just stands there and it heats up the pool. The pool is used for us to learn to swim in which makes the swimming pool special and we sometimes have free time in the pool too.
The pool is found inside the tennis courts and just stands there and it heats up the pool. The pool is used for us to learn to swim in which makes the swimming pool special and we sometimes have free time in the pool too.
Monday, June 24, 2013
No Lunch
No Lunch - Junior Journal 22
1. Find the meanings of these words from the story.
rumble - A loud lowing thundering noise. ✔
pikelet - A pikelet is a mini pancake.✔
lever - is a bar that you use to lift and object by placing one end under.✔
daydream - Daydream is like you are dreaming of something ✔
suddenly - Quickly and unexpectedly. ✔
3. Answer these comprehension questions to show your understanding of the text.
a) Why was Addison worrying while he was at school? Addison was worrying about his lunch because his mum forgot to do his lunch.✔
b) What did Addison forget at exercise time? Addison forgot his skipping rope back in his desk.✔
c) How did Addison trip over in the playground? He saw his dad on his motorbike then his skipping rope tripped him over.✔
d) What does it mean in the story ‘You’re daydreaming Addison”? It mean like you are thinking of something else.✔
Friday, June 14, 2013
Fire, Wind, Water
Monday, May 27, 2013
Catholic Schools Day
On Tuesday it was a lovely, beautiful day because it was Catholic Schools Day. We had a lovely mass because St Joseph’s and our school were together.
After mass our school and St Joseph celebrate Catholic School day by having lunch together, it was fun because we played at the park. The bell rang and we had to get ready for the concert. St Joseph’s and us went to the hall to share our items.
Room 7
After the cup song we stood up and went back to our places. Then it was Room 7’s turn, they sang a Tongan song. After that we said goodbye to St Joseph’s School, it was time for them to go back to their school on the the bus.
I had a wonderful Catholic School’s Day, I can’t wait to do it all again soon.
Friday, May 17, 2013
My Pencil
A Pencil is made out of wood and you can draw with it on paper.
My drawing friend is special and easy to hold and I can rub it out easily if I make a mistake.
My learning tool is useful and it is sharp like a pin. Inside my pencil it has a lead.
Sometimes when I use my pencil it becomes blunt, so I need to sharpen it so it becomes my special friend again.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
NZ Sign Language Awarenss
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
My Mother
My mother has black hair and she looks after me and my brothers and my sister. She is a good mother to me and I love her.
My mother is kind to me. I love my mum.
My mum has tanned skin and she has black eyes and she is kind and good, She is really good at cooking and she helps me with my homework.
My mum hates when we get in trouble and do something wrong at school. She likes it when we behave at school and get certificates for doing good work.
My mother is kind to me. I love my mum.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Soul Friend
My Soul friend is Charlie and he is Samoan. His favourite colour is blue because it is the colour of the sky and he is 7 years old. My Soul friend’s favourite subject is writing because he likes to write stories and his favourite subject out of school is reading. His favourite sport is rugby.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Monday, April 8, 2013
Mary and Jooseph
They walked for. 24.7km which takes around 5 Hour. That equals
1 day and 13 mins which take a long time to walk.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Similes and Metaphors
Similes and Metaphors
A simile is where two things are directly compared because they share a common feature. The word AS or LIKE is used to compare the two words. Eg. As cold AS a dog's nose
A metaphor also compares two things, but it does so more directly WITHOUT using as or like. Eg. The shop was a little gold-mine.
Task One
At the end of the sentence, write in brackets whether the sentence is an example of a metaphor or simile.
Eg. The clouds were fluffy like cotton wool. (SIMILE)
- As slippery as an eel. (SIMILE) ✔
- Arnie was a man-mountain.(METAPHORS) ✔
- He was a lion in battle.(METAPHORS) ✔
- She is as pretty as a picture.(SIMILE) ✔
- The striker was a goal machine.(METAPHORS) ✔
- The torch lit up the room as if the sun had risen early. (SIMILE) ✔
- The moon was a misty shadow.(METAPHORS) ✔
- My friend has a face like a bag of spanners.(METAPHORS) (Simile)
Task Two
Now you are going to make up similes of your own by copying and finishing these sentences.
For example:
As good as gold
- As heavy as a rock. ✔
- As cold as snow ball. ✔
- As hard as a stone ✔
- She had skin like a snake. ✔
- As cool as Rugby player. ✔
- As quick as Runner. ✔
- He was slow like a Boy. ✔
- Slippery like a wet floor. ✔
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Smart FootPrint
To use a smart footprint don’t write you last name on line because there are strangers out there who could use your information. Don’t share your phone number or your address.
When you are creating your a password you use letters and numbers and at least 8 characters. and don’t use your name or age for your password.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
This story is about a boy called Stanley. He lived with his Mum and Dad. He got into trouble so he went to the police and then the police told Stanley off and said he had to go to Camp Green Lake. He hopped out of the bus then and went to his cabin. He has to dig lots of holes.
I like story because it was really fun and exciting.
I like story because it was really fun and exciting.
Hooker's sea lions
In the Auckland Island’s there are only a few thousand Sea Lions left.
The mother Sea Lion gives birth to their pup’s in mid December. When pup’s are hungry the mother Sea Lion teaches them how to find food. When pup’s get older they leave their mothers.
Did you know that when some of the Sea Lions when they are pups get killed by sharks and whales, so the mothers need to get their pups to the beach as quickly as they can.
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